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Financing Your Home Purchase – Draft Your Dream Team!

The National Football League held its annual draft or player selection meeting on May 8-10. The Draft, as you can imagine, is an extremely exciting and tense time for both team recruiters and prospective players. The University of Louisville saw three of its former players go to professional teams that were looking for the best talent available. The process involves strategy and unbelievably intense analysis, scrutiny and preparation. The payoff comes when you see the players you draft take your team to the Super Bowl.

When you buy a home you are the head coach of a team of individuals that want to help you succeed.  You want to recruit the top players that will execute a winning plan and get you into the home you want.  You do that by hiring your quarterback, the Realtor.  There are thousands of possibilities but you’re looking for the next Teddy Bridgewater.  They must be able to execute your vision into an acceptable contract under your terms while reading the defense and be able change the strategy in the middle of the play.  Your mortgage lender is like your offensive line.  We know our team’s strengths and weaknesses – what you can afford and how you qualify – and we leverage the strengths to overshadow any weaknesses.  You must have strong blockers as well to keep your realtor moving forward.  Your attorney, appraiser, and home inspector are there to prevent the defense from running you over.  What if there is an obscure lien on the home you just bought?  A double tapped breaker in the electrical box that is a fire hazard?  Or maybe the home is not as big as disclosed, which may affect what you were willing to pay for the home?  You may experience unnecessary stress and financial setback if any one member of this team fails to execute.

Closing day is the end zone, the touchdown. Start to finish it is a team effort that gets you there. We are proud and happy to team up with the best realtors in Louisville and Southern Indiana. One such team is The Oatley Team at Keller Williams. You can learn more about Matt and Laura Oatley at their website: TheOatleyTeam.com. Make sure to check them out!

Here is what you need to know so that you go into your home search prepared, come what may:

1.      Credit Check – Ideally before a home search begins, all families should have a face-to-face consultation with a mortgage originator who will assess all the aspects of obtaining financing with you.  Part of this process will include a credit assessment.  By doing the credit assessment in advance, any errors or possible derogatory information could be planned for to prevent any stress after a home is under contract.  It is helpful to remember that financing is blind, meaning it will fit with the home you wish to purchase whether it be a two story vinyl sided home with a pool or a brick ranch with a finished basement. How can you obtain a credit check / assessment? Read on!

2.      Find a Lender – Your credit check can be taken care of by speaking to a lender. This absolutely needs to be someone with experience and expertise in their field. Developing a plan for mortgage lending is different for each client. Your financing plan should be as unique as the home you will choose.

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